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Stats IconLost - Jewelry
ID #: 930; Date Posted : 5/20/2011;

Description : DIAMOND RING    
Category : Jewelry
State / Country : New York
Date Lost / Found : May-16-

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Stats IconLost - Jewelry
ID #: 929; Date Posted : 5/19/2011;

Description : RING    
Category : Jewelry
State / Country : New York
Date Lost / Found : May-16-

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Stats IconFound - Other
ID #: 928; Date Posted : 5/15/2011;

Description : Maclaren stroller    
Category : Other
State / Country : New York
Date Lost / Found : May-10-

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Stats IconFound - Electronics
ID #: 927; Date Posted : 5/13/2011;

Description : ipod nano    
Category : Electronics
State / Country : New York
Date Lost / Found : April--2010

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Stats IconFound - Clothing
ID #: 926; Date Posted : 5/10/2011;

Description : Baby wool blanket    
Category : Clothing
State / Country : New York
Date Lost / Found : March-15-2010

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Stats IconLost - Other
ID #: 925; Date Posted : 5/09/2011;

Description : Sheitel,brown,fortune wig    
Category : Other
State / Country : New York
Date Lost / Found : July-05-2010

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Stats IconFound - Electronics
ID #: 924; Date Posted : 5/06/2011;

Description : I POD    
Category : Electronics
State / Country : New York
Date Lost / Found : April--

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Stats IconLost - Clothing
ID #: 923; Date Posted : 5/03/2011;

Description : Cufflink    
Category : Clothing
State / Country : Israel
Date Lost / Found : --

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Stats IconFound - Jewelry
ID #: 922; Date Posted : 5/03/2011;

Description : found an item    
Category : Jewelry
State / Country : New York
Date Lost / Found : --

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Stats IconFound - Other
ID #: 921; Date Posted : 5/01/2011;

Description : Duty Free    
Category : Other
State / Country : New York
Date Lost / Found : April-12-

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